Wide Angle Phone

Grand Central Hotel, Belfast

I recently published an image of Ewart’s Mill that included a small section of the Grand Central Hotel. I would’ve liked at the time to have shown more of the hotel but lack of a wide angle lens and traffic on the busy street prevented this. My new phone has however, I think, a lens equivalent to 13mm and this photograph of the hotel was taken a few days ago.

St. Anne’s Cathedral viewed from Writers’ Square

Later I came across this young couple standing in Writers’ Square where the darker flags intersect.

The widest ‘proper’ lens I own is a Canon 17-40 zoom. The Canon produces images vastly better than a mobile phone, but then there’s that saying about the best camera being the one you have with you.

Getting to 2018


Past work has featured in the last few posts and although I’m still working at cleaning up my Lightroom catalogue and organising imagesĀ I thought I should move into 2018.

January, this year, has been unusually dull and wet and his image of St. Anne’s was taken during a rare sunny few hours.


Belfast Cathedral, St. Anne's
Belfast Cathedral, St. Anne’s

Belfast Cathedral

In a previous post I said that most photographs of Writers’ Square are taken with St. Anne’s Cathedral in the background. This is a photograph of the Cathedral without Writers’ Square in the foreground.

Photographing the Cathedral from the Square gives a straight on front view. There is no parking permitted in front of the church but parking is allowed on the opposite side of the street. This, along with one or two streetlamps on that side, makes for a messy image.

St. Anne's Cathedral, Belfast, Belfast Cathedral
St. Anne’s Cathedral, Belfast, Belfast Cathedral


This photograph was taken from the side of the Cathedral with a 24mm equivalent lens. I was able to stand on the road and although there is some distortion it gives an uninterrupted view. The bright winter sunshine warmed the stone, revealing the texture. I returned a couple of hours later but the sun was lower in the sky and the buildings at the rear of Writers’ Square are casting a shadow on the Cathedral.

I had intended to convert this image to black and white (I still do) but I haven’t been able to get it just right so far. When I get it right I’ll post it.