
I recently met a friend in Donaghadee for breakfast and while there I took some photographs, as I usually do when I go somewhere.

Donaghadee, County Down, Northern Ireland
Donaghadee Lifeboat, County Down, Northern Ireland
Donaghadee Lifeboat, County Down, Northern Ireland

Storm Diana

We’re lucky in Northern Ireland when it comes to the weather. It‘s mild. It rarely gets too warm in summer and in winter rarely drops much below freezing. When storms get to us they’re usually winding down or just brush us as they pass by.

The latest storm to pass by is Diana. It’s giving Southern Ireland a hard time and although there’s a yellow warning about winds its not expected to cause many problems for us.

The best place for me to get dramatic images that include wind and sea, without travelling far and without putting myself in danger, is Donaghadee. It’s five miles away and while Bangor is in the mouth of Belfast Lough and somewhat sheltered, Donaghadee is exposed to the Atlantic.


The tail end of storm Diana hits Northern Ireland.
Water, water everywhere


The tail end of storm Diana hits Northern Ireland
Seaweed and debris in a playground


The tail end of storm Diana hits Northern Ireland.
The tail end of storm Diana hits Northern Ireland.


The tail end of storm Diana hits Northern Ireland.
Crashing waves


The tail end of storm Diana hits Northern Ireland.
Crashing waves and seaweed


The tail end of storm Diana hits Northern Ireland.
Storm Diana


The tail end of storm Diana hits Northern Ireland.
The tail end of storm Diana hits Northern Ireland


The tail end of storm Diana hits Northern Ireland.
The tail end of storm Diana hits Northern Ireland.