Yesterday I walked into Bangor town centre. There’s a lot more traffic on the roads than even a week ago although most shops are still closed. There are more cyclists than usual, many on shiny new bikes and some of them looking a bit shaky.
At the marina there was some activity with boats being tidied in anticipation of the restrictions being eased. We haven’t been given much freedom back so far but people sense the end of the lock down approaching and are moving towards whatever the new normal will bring.
Conversation is turning to life after the pandemic and what the future holds. There is insecurity over employment and Brexit, as always, looms in the background. Whether for or against, it adds to the uncertainty.
There is much discussion about when and how the lock down can be eased. Although it reduced the spread of the virus we have yet to see the full cost with domestic violence, mental health issues and possibly the murder rate increasing.
Many with serious medical conditions have had treatments and procedures postponed or cancelled because of the pandemic. Attendances at Accident and Emergency Departments and referrals for specialist consultations have dropped away as people avoided hospitals. Some dental treatments have been put on hold. There will be a lot of catching up to be done.
With the gyms still closed I’m doing more walking than usual. Proper walking, tramping the roads rather than tramping on a treadmill. I used to walk the roads every day but reduced the road walking when I joined the gym. I’d forgotten walking roads is harder on the feet than walking on a sprung treadmill but it is more interesting. I see people on bikes, jogging and walking and most greet me. When I’m on the treadmill all I can see is the car park.
As far as photography goes I’m constantly on the lookout while I’m out walking and if that doesn’t work there’s always the garden.
I’ve been meaning to get a decent photograph of First Bangor Presbyterian Church for some time. There’s a striking willow tree at the front but it’s not quite in leaf yet. Maybe in a month or so and with a wider lens.
While on churches – I noticed this sign for Drive in services. They are possibly common enough in some places but this is the first one I’ve seen.
I’m left wondering if face masks and drive in church services will be part of the new normal.