Walking on Botanic Avenue on Saturday past I found I had joined a crowd of people outside the No Alibis Bookstore. I’d been looking at a sports car on the other side of the street and hadn’t been aware of the crowd until I was surrounded by people. Thinking it must be a book signing I asked some girls what was happening, then I noticed the Secret Service guys standing around trying to look comfortable in casual clothes. “Bill Clinton is in the bookshop” the girls said – and he was.
When President Clinton (do we still call him President?) emerged from the shop he effortlessly engaged with people in the crowd, striking up conversations and exchanging pleasantries. Strolling along the street, he continued to interact with people, even pausing to take selfies when asked and giving time to anyone who approached him. It was evident that he was well-liked by the local people, and he appeared at ease, relishing the laid-back atmosphere and warm reception. He continued in this way talking happily to people, until the crowd thinned and he was able to move on.
When I drove into town that morning I didn’t expect to see a former President walking casually about on Botanic Avenue. I told my wife and she asked me if I’d spoken to him. I hadn’t – I’d been too busy taking photographs!